Monday 6 April 2009

The End of Our Journey with M.E.

Perhaps it is time, now to sign off for good. My husband is fully recovered from M.E. Our relationship has been salvaged and renewed. We are happy together, peaceful, no longer arguing. The last time he was even grumpy with me was New Year's Eve (i.e. technically last year. And it is now April). We can have disagreements without war ensuing. The cycles of anger and depression have stopped. As have the pains in his muscles and joints, the weakness in his legs, his brain fog, his insomnia, his breathing difficulties, his sneezing fits, his rhinitis and sinusitis, his allergic reactions, his persistent cough, his exhaustion, his swollen lymph glands, his need for many days of recovery after physical exertion etc etc.

My husband decided in February that what he really wants to do with his life, for the time being, is bring up our daughter. She had started full time school in September but wasn't particularly enjoying it as she is very into creativity - drawing, painting and making things - and there was very little room for it in the curriculum once she transferred from the nursery into the main school. My husband had been considering the options for what he wanted to do with his newly regained health but decided nothing inspired him as much as being her full-time father. So we withdrew her from school just before half-term and he is taking her out of the house every day, finding exciting things to do. It is wonderful he now has the energy to do it. He's also getting more deeply involved in a community project and taking on a day here and there of paid work. He is also - now that he is fully well - able to be completely supportive of me and all that I want to do. It is wonderful.

EFT has transformed our lives utterly and in ways I could never have imagined in the dark days when I began this blog. Whereas I used to see my husband's illness as a curse, and detested it, I now see it as a blessing in disguise, because it sent me on the desperate hunt for solutions, and led to my learning EFT. I had no idea that the end result would be so much more than the recovery from ME. We have good health, personal peace, marital harmony, and deepened understanding of our place and purpose in the universe. I no longer fear illness, old age, and death, or indeed many of the other things that used to limit my enjoyment of life. I'm not sure one could ask for much more!

I note that EFT has become much more widely known and accepted in the last couple of years since I began this blog. EFT is part of a new paradigm that is outside most people's belief systems, and its profound and rapid healing effect is hard to explain, thus the logical brain will want to dismiss it. Mine certainly did - I was raised as a scientist - but luckily I was desperate enough to suspend my disbelief and give it a go. The persistently good results dissolved my skepticism. So I would say simply, don't try to work out how it works, just TRY IT. If you're new to it, I'd recommend learning it properly - you'll get much better results.

Those wishing to try the same path that lead us out into the light might consider starting with this book, which according to the reviews is excellent guide to using EFT with ME. I only wish it had been out there 5 years ago, when my husband fell ill.

I'll sign off by sending blessings to everyone out there suffering from ME, and also to their carers and loved ones, who also suffer deeply. I wish every one of you a rapid and full recovery from your distress.

Since "Brian" was the name I gave to my husband's illness, I must now sign off

The Former Wife of "Brian".