Tuesday 25 November 2008

Peace and Balance

m It's been a busy old month. But peaceful, and happy, and now I have a moment to take stock of the last few weeks. I've got a huge amount done. My husband has been fantastic - in good health, on the whole. A couple of weeks ago he said to me "I'm not ill any more" (previously he'd refer to himself as "in recovery"). He walked for miles and miles over a couple of days last week and not the slightest bit of payback - no muscle pain, no exhaustion 24/48 hours later. Just fit again. He got a multigym off Freecycle for nothing (if you don't know Freecycle, I thoroughly recommend it) and now he's working out in the garage five mornings a week, getting back in shape, getting some muscle back. His mindset has changed. He's facing forwards, looking at what it is he wants to do with his life. We're making plans together.

And is he doing EFT? No, he feels well enough without it. Though he's asked me from time to treat him for particular aches and pains, and everyone in the house apart from eldest teenage boy (understandably) now accepts it and uses it from time to time. And the house is a peaceful and balanced place. Even when I unbalance it by working too hard, it stays balanced, because other people cope. I had a project to get in, and my husband had no problem at all with me working late, indeed he told me to just knuckle down and get it done, while he made the tea, put our daughter to bed etc. I got it in and despite really long hours (and several nights out) in the last few weeks he is well and happy and we are getting on brilliantly. He is patient, supportive, loving, and - right now - a hundred per cent well.

And is it down to EFT? Absolutely, yes. (And he would concur that my transformation through EFT has changed everything.)

Nothing has ever made this kind of difference in my life; it's completely empowering, and I apply it everywhere. And I am seeing extraordinary results, things I barely believed would ever be possible two years ago. Like peace, harmony, love, support and good health in this house.

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