Wednesday 28 November 2007

Healing The Dog

This morning, I was coming out of the shower when my husband came down to tell me that our dog (13 years old) had just collapsed, peeing a little in the process. He said he'd heard the scrabbling of feet, exactly the same sound that had preceded our last dog (this dog's mother) dying about five years ago. When I got to the dog, he was looking very unwell, too weak to stand. He had peed, it seemed in shock, and was lamely, really sadly, trying to lap it up (something he would not normally do with his own pee - but it was like when animals eat their own sick, perhaps they are trying to clean up. He looked really embarrassed, ashamed, as well as being shaken and clearly unwell.

I started doing EFT on the dog very early on, after only about 6 weeks of using EFT on myself; first on his kennel cough, which seemed to me to be associated with his loneliness (and so keeping him on a lead, as the vet advised, was actually aggravating it). I wasn't sure if it would work, but I hugged and held him and concentrated mentally on his tapping points. The cough went away. Could be fluke, obviously.

But he was booked in for a castration at the time because of a prostrate problem; and at just this time I started reading accounts of people healing their animals with EFT and I just knew I didn't want him to go through that operation (poor old man), the pain and humiliation, if it wasn't necessary. Let alone the fact we don't have £200 to throw around in this house. So I figured it was worth a try. I read a particularly useful account about a woman working with her cat, made a mental note of the technique, and then - while I was walking the dog one night - I just focused mentally on all his points, doing as best I could to mentally "tap them" while saying affirmations for him about his frustrated desire for local bitches (he'd had a particularly teasing encounter with an alsation in heat the previous day and was due, I suspected, another flare up.) I also worked for a couple of rounds on the physical pain, his swollen prostrate gland. What harm could it do?

That's two and half months ago, and his prostrate hasn't flared up since. Previously it was happening every time the chemical castration injection wore off. He hasn't needed to go the the VET since I took up EFT. A couple of other problems have been observed, worked on and disappeared: weakness in his spine and backlegs, an infuriating itch in his back. So this morning, as soon as the dog collapses, I'm called for. It's lovely to be able to help him - gentle, and simple.

He was well enough, within fifteen minutes, to get up and go for a big drink of water. We took him out for his usual walk - I went along to check he was fully better. He's right as rain now, and curled up snoozing in his basket.


Suzanne Livingston said...

Hi Brian's Wife! Can you please share the tecnique you used...



Brian's wife said...

Hi Suzanne. If you want to learn how to do EFT with animals the best advice I can give you is to go onto the website and put 'cat' or 'dog' or 'horse' or whatever into the search engine. You'll then have lots of different accounts of animal healing, many that are quite detailed, that will give you some ideas on how you might work with your own animals. This is how I learned. Like most things, a little experience helps, but you can often have success very early on, especially if you have a close bond with the animal and can intuit what the emotional aspects of the problem might be.